You should have a pop-up window on your screen make sure Analysis.
For Mac Users: In the top menu bar, navigate to Tools > Add-ins. You should now be able to access the Data Analysis command under the Data tab. Where XMLDataString is a string of XML data in the XML Spreadsheet format, such as the output from saving as XML Spreadsheet (.xml) from Microsoft Office Excel 2003. If Analysis ToolPak does not appear as one of the Available add-ins, then click Browse to locate it. If Analysis ToolPak is not listed in the Add-Ins available box, click Browse to locate it. In the Add-Ins box, check the Analysis ToolPak check box, and then click OK. If you're using Excel for Mac, in the file menu go to Tools > Excel Add-ins. ' Recalculate all formulas in the spreadsheet. In the Manage box, select Excel Add-ins and then click Go. My method was File -> Options -> Add-ins -> click Go button at the bottom of window -> check Analysis ToolPak. To address this, call the AddIn method again to reconnect the add-in, and then call the CalculateFull method to recalculate the formulas in the spreadsheet. I got the AnalysisPak to appear in the ribbon.

Spreadsheet1.Range("A1").Formula = "=ISEVEN(7)" ' Call the AddIn method to connect the add-in to the ' Instantiate the Analysis ToolPak function add-in. Set Spreadsheet1 = CreateObject("OWC11.Spreadsheet") ' Instantiate a Spreadsheet component object. The error then continues to present every time you open Excel unless you uncheck the add in. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.

For example, the following formula that uses the ISEVEN function to test whether a numeric value is an even number will return FALSE: Once you make these changes, you can use the Analysis ToolPak functions in formulas in your Spreadsheet component. Where Spreadsheet1 is the value of the ID attribute for the OBJECT tag for the Spreadsheet component on the page.

The Spreadsheet component supports an additional set of functions that provide the same functionality as the functions in the Analysis ToolPak add-in in Microsoft Excel. The Analysis Toolpak add-in for Excel includes a collection of 19 data-analysis tools designed to save steps when users develop complex statistical or. If you cannot see the ToolPak listed in the menu, select Browse to find it. Previous page next page Use the Analysis ToolPak function add-in Check the box next to Analysis ToolPak and click OK.